Dewalt 14" Radial Arm Saw
Model GA

This saw was located at a job site in Richmond, VA when I spotted it in a beautiful little workshop in the woods.  When I knew that the shop was slated for demolition I inquired about buying it thru the builder that I was working for.  A few days later I was informed that it was mine for the taking, at no charge!  I had a few worrisome days since I couldn't take it that day as they were logging the area to prepare for building new roads.   It got worse as a couple of days later the window on the door had been broken in an attempt to get inside the shop...  When they finally had enough of the timber out of the way I drove my van back into the woods and managed to stuff it in with the rest of my tools.  The picture below shows how tight it was.


First picture in the shop as received


Model and serial number tag

Motor tag

I got lucky here as many of these old saws have had the ways worn out in normal use.  This picture shows only a wear pattern but no actual wear could be detected.  It appears that this saw was purchased new by the former owner and was used only by him during  it's 50+ years.  


Machine Statistics



Model Number:   

 GA Release 50

Date of manufacture:   





 475 lbs.


 14" blade - 13 1/2" crosscut, 20" rip capacity
4" maximum depth @90 2" @45 bevel


 3 HP 220v Single Phase - 3425 rpm

Manuals Repair Parts Book

Owners Instruction Book